For this assignment, I chose Marilyn Monroe. I think the hardest part for me was choosing someone I wanted to tweet for. I decided to narrow it down my quotes I try to follow, or that make me feel good about myself. This is how I thought of Marilyn Monroe. She has a plethora of empowering quotes many girls live by.
The next challenging part was finding a quote I wanted to use for her. I wanted to use something I thought she would truly tweet. By this I mean a saying many girls use and that encourages females. This is how I came up with “real queens fix other’s crowns.” This is actually a saying many people use and is something I could see Monroe saying.
I thought this assignment was so much fun! It did require a lot of thinking and researching to see which celebrity I would use. The Twister website was also very easy to use, and I was able to easily go back and change anything I did not like. Something I thought would have been cool that I could not figure out is if you could change the profile picture of the celebrity.
I was not much of a fan of Fakebook. I thought this was a little hard to use. For example, you can’t add pictures until you have 5 posts, which I thought was quite annoying. It is a very cool concept, I just think I might need to play around with more to truly start to enjoy it.