I loved this project; it was so much fun to do! I definitely had to do my research and look up demotivational posters. I have seen this before, but not many and I have to say they are hilarious. All summer I have been working in the marine department in the Crab Lab. I always found it so ironic that we kept crabs in tanks in the lab when the river/ ocean is literally right outside of the window. That is where I found inspiration for this picture. I decided to put a crab in a touch tank and take it for a walk down to the water; this was probably very cruel of me and it tried crawling out. For this activity, I used LiveCollage, an app allowing you to make collages while adding background colors, frames, text, and much more. I tried getting a different app that would help me resemble these posters more, however I had to pay for them which I did not want to do. The hardest part of this project was matching the format of the poster. There were texts that matched the normal posters’ texts, so I chose a random I liked. Overall though, this app was very easy to use!
ds106 assignment